I've been finding the sleeves of Tessuti's Mandy Boat Tee a wee bit tight on my upper arms thus my last few makes haven't been that comfy. The shape of the sleeve piece curves in quite a bit so I thought if I straightened it up it would give me more room where I needed it - and it did! The sleeves are already modified a little bit from when I did a class with Tessuti (ages ago) - so this is just taking the alternation a bit further. Changing the shape of the sleeve piece worked well and I now have a top that is comfortable to wear.

I decided to make a long sleeve type jumper from a fabric I bought in Tessuti with the idea of taking this to Japan with me on my recent holiday. I had bought this fabric for a specific project but I cannot for the life of me remember what that was...so instead we have this top. Whilst it's a pretty print, the fabric snags on EVERYTHING so I cannot imagine it having a long life span. Even the rough skin on fingertips causes the fabric to snag and pill. It caught on the feeddogs on my sewing machine...you get the drift.
Here I am in a public bathroom in Tokyo taking a selfie of my top. I only wore it once as I don't really like it. There's the fabric issue, but I also made it shorter than I normally do so it meant I didn't want to wear it with my tight ponti pants which made up the bulk of the pants I packed for the trip.
I've also started adding a neckband to my Mandy Boat Tee's - I just think it looks nicer.
Pattern: Mandy Boat Tee by TessutiSize: One size fits...mostModifications: lengthened by 7cm (but hemmed at about 2"), the sleeves/arms made bigger for me a sewing class I did at Tessuti plus the extra alteration mentioned above. Also, added a neckband.Fabric: knit from TessutiChanges for next time: none